My sugar reading has dropped from 7.8 to 6.3

My name is Janet. I have been on BP drugs since the year 2000. My son Frank introduced me to Dr. Ansah and the P&H Food supplement. I bought a bottle of the supplement on 13/10/2023. Friends, my BP which read 179/87 then is gradually stabilizing. Today my BP was 136/75. My sugar reading has dropped from 7.8 to 6.3. I have good night sleep and my cravings for food has reduced.

I realize that when I fast my BP drops significantly. My fondest thanks go to God for assisting these great men to come up with this supplement. To Doc. and the team members, God bless you.
Let us continue to recommend this to others so they can also benefit from the use of this supplement to the glory of God.

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